Sunday, July 24, 2016

Monday Morning Meetings..........

" Dude-L "

 Boulder,   Colorado 
Single Family residence in the "New-Lands"

South Boulder Ranch - Re-Evaluated

Ranch Home Re-evaluation..... providing new windows & reducing the depth of window headers achieves a simple yet drastic impact to this home and its connection with views,
 the landscape and the entire composition of its surroundings.....
Most Importantly the distant ridge line of
 "Green Mountain" 
was previously eclipsed from interior views.



New insulation and welded steel gable end walls, now provide this home a rigid frame to resist the 130 mph winds, the freezing cold and the Hammers of Thor!

On and Off the Boards

With no lack of things to do......

This is an urban infill speculative project in the Highlands Region of NorthWest Denver, Co. Completed Spring 2015.  
Site Characteristics:  Restrictive Height Regulations on a Narrow Lot,
However with Cost effective forms & finishes this project meets all the demands for a common family, with functional space integration and amenities.